Virgin Forest (2015)
by Leon Lester
Digital Artwork
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In recent years, airplane crashes have killed about a thousand people annually, whereas plane emissions kill about ten thousand people each year, according to researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. Airplanes have three major problems: they are big, they are inefficient, and powered by toxic fuels. A fully laden A380, according to its’ engine maker Rolls Royce, uses as much energy as 3,500 family cars, equivalent to six cars for each passenger according to studies. Long haul flights produce on average twice as much emissions per mile traveled per passenger than cars and short haul flights produce three times as much. These climate and energy impacts will escalate rapidly in the future as more people around the world fly. Boeing Analysts expect the global aviation industry to grow by 5% per year for the next two decades. At this rate, the size of the industry will double in 15 years and triple in 23. Scientists expect aviation carbon dioxide emissions to double by 2030, bringing with them greater pollution. Airplanes have become more efficient and less polluting over the years, however, the small gains have and will continue to be swamped by the inefficiency of the activity and the rapid growth of the industry.
This is my primary reason for commencing Virgin Forest. Its business goal is to ensure the continuation and survival of as much virgin forest across the planet as possible in response to the irresponsibility and carelessness of the international business community and right wing governments to pay for the toxic impact of their activities. It will remain my eternal vision to receive from the reigning British monarch a knighthood for the profound effect Virgin Forest will have on our planet.
Leon Lester